3 de octubre de 2007

Libro: Sangre de Poeta

I need to know
by: L. Claudette Conde E.

I need the moon to feel my soul
begin to fly, night forever in my heart.
I transform my spirit into an eagle
and leave this sad world.
Sad world, midnight home; all my love
needs to know, what's the way
to be lost...
Where's my life, where's my hope,
i need to know.
I feel so lonely, i feel i'm gone.
Rescue me oh! sweet dreams, i need
a hug oh! bright stars, i need your
faith oh! hopeful children; if you exist,
i need to know if you're hearing
my screamly words.
Please don't leave me alone, i'm
the forest, i'm the love, i ask you
to protect my wasting soul...

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